Our event would not be possible without the help of our sponsors. When you see one of these folks or visit their business, give them a big Burley THANK YOU!
For providing a $25K match to our paddle raise!
For generously providing a space for our event!
For all the marketing and
branding materials! |
For the theme inspired decorations
A classroom basket/project. You will be contacted for delivery or pickup.
A Burley staff experience. Your Burley staff member will reach out to you to arrange all the logistics
A Burley staff experience. Your Burley staff member will reach out to you to arrange all the logistics
IF YOU signed up
For a Sign Up Event, we are preparing to distribute lists to your event coordinator. They will contact you regarding final logistics for your event.
Invoices for sign up events and paddle raise commitments should appear in your Inbox. We rely on your sign up for the success of our event and do our best to provide our event calendar both before and at the Winter Party. We ask that you honor your commitment for your spot and refrain from asking us to remove events from your invoice.